
kevin davis baltimore

Old Baltimore Police Primary Davis immersed in fallout from officer-involved shooting in Virginia

CBS News Live

CBS News Baltimore Live

FAIRFAX, Va. (AP) — Fairfax County Police Principal Kevin Davis on Thursday fired a northern Virginia police officer who was involved in fatally shooting a shoplifting suspect terminal month, with police releasing video of the deadly run across at the cease of a foot hunt at a busy shopping mall.

Davis announced the dismissal at a press briefing in which he also released trunk camera footage showing the shooting of Timothy McCree Johnson exterior Tysons Corner Heart on Feb. 22.

Davis is the former police commissioner of the Baltimore Police Section. Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh, who was later arrested on federal charges, fired him equally head of the city'due south police forcefulness in January 2018.

She replaced him with Deputy Commissioner Darryl DeSousa who lasted four months before he had to resign amid a federal investigation into his failure to file federal tax returns.

Davis has been the head of the Fairfax County Police force since April 2021, according to a Fairfax Canton press argument.

On Thursday, Davis was once again in the spotlight on Th as he described how the 2 officers who chased Johnson that night fired their weapons. The one who fired the fatal circular has been dismissed from the section, and the other officeholder remains on restricted duty every bit the investigation continues.

The officer who was fired, Sgt. Wesley Shifflett, exhibited "a failure to live upwards to the expectations of our agency, in particular utilize of force policies," Davis said.

The video itself shows a nighttime hunt that lasted less than 2 minutes, concluding with what sounds like 3 gunshots. An officer tin be heard maxim "stop reaching" merely the video itself is dimly lit and it is hard to encounter Johnson in any detail. Police searched for a weapon in the wooded area where Johnson was shot, but no weapon was ever recovered.

"More often than not the police force trunk camera footage speaks for itself," Davis said. "This time, it does non."

He declined to comment in item nearly how he believes the officers should have responded, citing the ongoing investigations.

Police also released video that seemed to show Johnson taking ii pair of sunglasses from a Nordstrom department store, and setting off alarms every bit he left the store. Security at the department store alerted the officers, who were assigned to patrol the mall.

Police showed the video to Johnson'due south family unit on Wednesday, a day ahead of it public release. Later on viewing it, family unit attorney Carl Crews chosen Johnson's death "an execution by a Fairfax County police force officer."

Johnson's mother, Melissa Johnson, of Forestville, Maryland, said Davis "painted a negative half-truth nigh our son" when he described Johnson immediately later on the shooting every bit someone with a "significant fierce criminal history."

Johnson had no criminal tape in Fairfax County, court records testify. He did have assail and gun convictions against him in Maryland and the Commune of Columbia.

At Thursday's press briefing, Davis apologized for how he characterized Johnson the night of the shooting. He said he was trying to anticipate reporters' questions most whether Johnson had a criminal history.

"I should have answered it with much greater sensitivity than I did," he said.

Davis said the agency has gone back through eight years of records, and this is the only time officers fired shots at a doubtable during a pes chase. He said he wants to develop a policy specific to officeholder acquit during a pes hunt that takes into account the grooming they already receive. Preliminary research shows that only 18 police departments across the country have such a policy in place, he said.

"In that location is no shining best practice out there," he said.

No charges have been filed against the officers. Fairfax County Commonwealth'due south Attorney Steve Descano has said he is reviewing the example and will make a conclusion in the coming weeks.

Fairfax County Lath of Supervisors Chairman Jeff McKay issued a statement Thursday calling the video "agonizing to say the least."

"Under no circumstances should suspicion of shoplifting alone pb to the tragic loss of human life," McKay said.

The video's release comes equally seven Virginia sheriff'southward deputies in Henrico County, near Richmond, and three hospital workers have been charged with second-caste murder in the decease of a Black inmate with mental-health issues. Irvo Otieno died while being transferred to a land hospital; video released Tuesday in Otieno's case shows the deputies and workers surrounding and pinning Otieno to the floor.

(© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not exist published, circulate, rewritten or redistributed.)

CBS Baltimore staff contributed to this report.


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